Capstone Montessori School


Why have you chosen to use WatchMeGrow Streaming Video?
We are extending our open-door policy beyond the walls of our building. We want parents of children in our care to be confident knowing that their child’s safety, well-being, and education is our top priority. WatchMeGrow allows parents and grandparents to stay connected to their children while they’re here, and to rest assured knowing that they’ve placed their children in the best care possible.
How does it work?
Cameras are installed throughout the school in classrooms, playgrounds, and some common areas. The video is streamed live over the internet and parents have secure, individual usernames and passwords that give them video access to the areas where their children learn and play. They watch video from their desktop computers, or use the WatchMeGrow app from their phone or tablet.
Is it safe?
Yes. All data is encrypted. To watch streaming video through WatchMeGrow, you must be approved by your childcare center. WatchMeGrow is the only streaming video service for childcare that provides this level of security.
Why would parents want to use streaming video to watch their child?
Answers vary for every individual. Many parents like the comfort of knowing they can see the fun their child is having in their classroom during the day. Some parents set up accounts for out-of-town grandparents to stay connected to little ones in our care. Parents who are deployed as active-duty military for long durations rely on streaming video to follow what their children are doing while away. Others find it helpful to check in on their child during their first day in our care or simply use it to check in when their child is having an “off” day.
Can anyone log in to see a classroom?
No. You must be the approved parent of a currently enrolled child to use the system. To get access, parents of enrolled children sign up for WatchMeGrow. Administrators at the childcare center approve them before they can have access. If there are out-of-town grandparents or deployed parents who wish to use it, parents can set up additional access for them as sub-users on their accounts. Only families of children in a classroom have access to view that classroom. It is at the center’s discretion which areas users can view, such as the child’s classroom, common areas, and playgrounds
How do families sign up?

Parents of currently enrolled children can go to to get started. More information is available at